Our Vision

Our vision is a cry for the reality of His fullness revealed, manifested, and established in and through His people, creating a dwelling place for His Presence on the earth as it is in heaven. We believe as we build, we are preparing the way for the return of Jesus.

Our Mission

Our mission is to raise up and disciple such a people into fullness and maturity through planting and building Church Communities. Our goal is to raise up leaders who will be sent out. Our blueprint is to build by the values of His heart.

Our Values

We value His Presence, His Word, His Voice, and His Heart – submitting our lives completely under His Lordship above all things. We want the weight of His Lordship to sustain the weight of His glory. From this place we allow Him to build and cultivate a divine family made up of every people, tribe, and nation. We believe every person is created uniquely, with a specific destiny, assignment, and gifting. Our goal is to help each person discover these things, who they are, and what specific field God has called them to steward, cultivate, and ultimately serve to the world. 


If you’d like to support us financially, we are grateful! Thank you for sowing into good soil!